Time again for Vala’s! 1 Comment / Blog / By sarah We went to Vala’s two weeks ago and had a great time!The boys sure have grown since the last time we were there. During the pig races, Owen was picked, among a few other children, to choosethe pig that he thought would win the race. His pig did not win, but he still received a spider ring. The train ride Double-fisting it, after stealing a cookie from Grandma The hayrack ride to pick out a pumpkin I love this picture! Quite the family Smelling the flowers
Nana Karen November 2, 2010 at 5:19 am What a fun day! Grandma could teach Dad a thing or two about roping! 🙂 Reply
What a fun day! Grandma could teach Dad a thing or two about roping! 🙂