
The Roadtrip!!

Loveland to visit Denise Arches National Park in Utah Me and McQueen Salt Lake City Bonneville Salt Flats San Francisco and the ocean!! Lombard Street   The Golden Gate Bridge Riding a cable car Pacific Coast Highway Wine country Redwood National Park A banana slug and Gary The Redwood that fell across the road Lake …

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4th of July

Tubing down the Elkhorn River on the 4th of July! Owen and Uncle Ryan                  Sleepy guy Poppers! Best friends!

Carson’s ‘Ear’ly Birthday

We celebrated Carson’s birthday party a little early this year. He wanted an “ear cake” because he LOVES ears. He was SO excited about it that we couldn’t refuse. Yep…an ear cake!! Carson, Grandma Irene, and Grandma Stel Carson placed his candles on his cake all by himself. All four made it into the eardrum.