Carson Quotes

Things Carson said

Dinosaur Names

During Carson’s 3rd birthday party yesterday, he wanted to sit on his grandpa’s lap while playing with some of his new dinosaurs.  Everyone was trying to think of the various names of the dinosaurs when Carson calls out, Grandpa-saurous.

Blackberry Jam

When playing on the playground equipment one day with Aunt Laura, Uncle Aaron, and Will, Carson decided to start going down the slide over and over and over again.  He was having a ball!  He started yelling out, Blackberry jam!  Blackberry jam!!  Blackberry jam!… Laura asked Owen, “What does he mean when he says ‘blackberry …

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Wrong Way

Carson’s drink was in the kitchen and I told him he could go in there if you wanted it.  He started walking down the hall, so I asked, “Where are you going, Carson?!”  He turns with a smile and says, Oh…I was going to the kitchen, but I was going the wrong way.